Agricultural and Food Science - Selaus nimekkeen mukaan

    • The biotechnology of lactic acid bacteria with emphasis on applications in food safety and human health 

      Daly, Charles; Davis, Ruth
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 2 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1998)
      Ruoka-aineiden käyttäminen maitohappobakteerien avulla on yksi vanhimmista säilöntämenetelmistä. Näiden teollisuustuotannossakin merkittävien maitohappobakteerien geneettisten ja fysiologisten ominaisuuksien tutkimuksessa ...
    • The effect of ammonium ferric hexacyanoferrate on reducing radiocaesium transfer from grass silage to sheep 

      Paasikallio, Arja; Sormunen-Cristian, Riitta; Jaakkola, Seija; Kaikkonen, Matti
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 2 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2000)
      Radiocesiumin kulkeutumista märehtijöihin on voitu vähentää syöttämällä eläimille erilaisia cesiumia sitovia mineraaleja kuten esimerkiksi bentoniittia, zeoliittia, vermikuliittia ja kaoliinia sekä kuitupitoista rehua. ...
    • The effect of calpastatin polymorphism and its interaction with RYR1 genotypes on carcass and meat quality of crossbred pigs 

      Rybarczyk, Artur; Kmiec, Marek; Szaruga, Roman; Napierala, Filip; Terman, Arkadiusz
      Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      The aim of the study was to establish the relationship between a calpastatin gene (CAST) polymorphism, the ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1) polymorphism and carcass/meat quality traits in crossbred pigs. No significant ...
    • The effect of clinoptilolite on 137 Cs binding in broiler chickens 

      Vitorovic, Gordana; Slavata, Bratislava; Stosic, Katarina; Mladenovic, Verica; Vitorovic, Dusko
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2002)
      The objective of this study was to evaluate the 137 Cs binding capacity of clinoptilolite.In the first in vitro experiment we investigated sorption of 137 Cs to natural and modified forms of clinoptilolite in highly acid ...
    • The effect of decreasing fertilization on agricultural nitrogen leaching: a model study 

      Granlund, Kirsti; Bärlund, Ilona; Salo, Tapio; Esala, Martti; Posch, Maximilian
      Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2007)
      Typpilannoitteiden käyttö Suomessa on vähentynyt tuntuvasti, mutta laajat ja pitkäaikaiset vedenlaadun havaintoaineistot osoittavat, että selkeää alenemista tutkimusvaluma-alueiden ja jokivesistöjen typpikuormituksessa ei ...
    • The effect of different tillage-fertilization practices on the mycoflora of wheat grains 

      Suproniene, Skaidre; Mankeviciene, Audrone; Kadziene, Grazina; Feiziene, Dalia; Feiza, Virginijus; Semaskiene, Roma; Dabkevicius, Zenonas
      Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)
      A two-factor field experiment was carried out at the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture during the period 2005-2008. The influence of different tillage and fertilization practices on wheat grain fungal contamination was ...
    • The effect of free or restricted acidified milk feeding of Finnish Ayrshire bull calves on the subsequent fattening and slaughter performance 

      Khalili, Hannele; Rinne, Marketta; Aspila, Pentti; Aronen, Ilmo
      Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2004)
      Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, vaikuttaako vasikkakauden vapaa maitojuotto maitorotuisten lihanautojen kasvuun ja teurastuloksiin. Kokeessa oli yhteensä 11 vasikkaa, jotka jaettiin kahteen ryhmään. Toinen ryhmä sai ...
    • The effect of genotype on anther culture response of cultivated and wild oats 

      Kiviharju, Elina; Puolimatka, Matti; Saastamoinen, Marketta; Hovinen, Simo; Pehu, Eija
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 3 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1998)
      Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin genotyypin vaikutusta kuorellisen ja kuorettoman kauran (Avena sativa L.) ja villikauran (A. sterilis L.) ponsiviljelyvasteeseen auksiinia sisältävällä ja hormonittomalla kasvatusalustalla. ...
    • The effect of incorporation time of different crops on the residual effect on spring cereals 

      Känkänen, Hannu; Kangas, Arjo; Mela, Timo; Nikunen, Unto; Tuuri, Hannu; Vuorinen, Martti
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 3 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1999)
      Huoli viherlannoitustypen kohtalosta maahan muokkaamisen jälkeen synnytti tarpeen selvittää sopivinta muokkaamisen ajankohtaa. Vaikka maan typpimääritykset antavatkin käsityksen muokkausajankohdan suorasta vaikutuksesta ...
    • The effect of mineral fertilization on nutritive value and biological activity of chokeberry fruit 

      Skupien, Katarzyna; Oszmianski, Jan
      Agricultural and Food Science : 1 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandMTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2007)
      The aim of the study was to assess whether an extra fertilization with manganese, commercial fertilizer Alkalin (N, K and Si), and combined treatment (manganese + Alkalin) affect the chemical composition of chokeberry ...
    • The effect of processing on the amino acid content in green cauliflower 

      Slupski, Jacek; Lisiewska, Zofia; Kmiecik, Waldemar; Gebczynski, Piotr; Sobczynska, Lidia
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandMTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      The aim of the work was to evaluate the level of amino acids and quality of protein in fresh green cauliflower and in three kinds of products as eaten: fresh cauliflower after cooking; and two types of frozen product: ...
    • The effect of single farm payments on less favoured areas agriculture in Scotland: a CGE analysis 

      Gelan, Ayele; Schwarz, Gerald
      Agricultural and Food Science : 1 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2008)
      This study quantifies impacts of common agricultural policy reform on farming in Less Favoured Areas (LFAs) in Scotland. LFAs are characterised by low agricultural productivity, because of unfavourable natural conditions, ...
    • The effect of storage ageing and spring sprouting of seed tubers on the yield of three potato varieties in the Finnish Lapland 

      Hannukkala, Antti
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2001)
      MTT:n Lapin tutkimusasemalla tutkittiin vuosina 1996-1997 varastointiaikaisen siemenmukuloiden lämpökäsittelyn vaikutusta kolmen perunalajikkeen, satoon, taimettumiseen sekä verso- ja mukulalukuun. Lajikkeet olivat ...
    • The effect of two pesticides (Vitavax-300 and Gaucho) on rhizobia and on the nodulation of four legumes 

      Miettinen, Pasi; Echegoyen, Plutarco
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 2 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1996)
      Tuhohyönteiset ja -sienet aiheuttavat vuosittain suuria taloudellisia menetyksiä kasvinviljelylle eri puolilla tropiikkia. Runsaasti ravinteita sisältävät palkokasvien siemenet saattavat tuhoutua kylvön jälkeen nopeasti, ...
    • The effects of a non-woven cover in combination with different soil mulches in strawberry cultivation 

      Aflatuni, Abbas; Kemppainen, Riitta; Heinonen, Alpo; Hakonen, Tiina
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 5-6 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1997)
      Maanpeite- ja kasvustokatteiden vaikutusta mansikan sadon ajoitukseen, määrään ja laatuun tutkittiin vuosina 1989-93 Pohjois-Suomessa. Harsoa käytettiin kokeessa kahdella tavalla: 1) harso levitettiin kasvuston päälle ...
    • The effects of added glycerol or unprotected free fatty acids or a combination of the two on silage intake, milk production, rumen fermentation and diet digestibility in cows given grass silage based diets 

      Khalili, Hannele; Varvikko, Tuomo; Toivonen, Vesa; Hissa, Kari; Suvitie, Marjatta
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 5-6 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1997)
      Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lypsylehmille annettavaan väkirehuun lisätyn glyserolin tai suojaamattomien vapaiden rasvahappojen tai näiden yhdistelmän vaikutuksia rehun syöntiin, maidontuotantoon, maidon koostumukseen, ...
    • The effects of different levels of L-carnitine and fat on performance and egg quality of laying hens 

      Rezaei, Masour; Dehghani, Samaneh; AliGhaffari, Jan; Haghnazar, Alizera
      Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2008)
      L-carnitine is used as feed additive in poultry diets to increase yield and to improve feed efficiency. The major role of L-carnitine appears to be the transport of long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria for À oxidation. ...
    • The effects of prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures and elevated CO2 levels on the growth, yield and dry matter partitioning of field-sown meadow fescue 

      Hakala, Kaija; Mela, Timo
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 3 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1996)
      Peltoon kylvettyä nurminataa (lajike Kalevi) kasvatettiin normaalissa ja kohotetussa (+3 °C) lämpötilassa ja normaalissa ja kohotetussa CO2-pitoisuudessa kahdessa kahden vuoden mittaisessa kokeessa vuosina 1992-1993 (koe ...
    • The effects of ridging, row-spacing and seeding rate on carrot yield 

      Taivalmaa, Sanna-Liisa; Talvitie, Heikki
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 5-6 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1997)
      Tutkimuksella selvitettiin maan muotoilun (tasamaa, pieni ja iso harju), kylvötavan (yksirivi, kaksirivi ja nauha) sekä siementiheyden (40, 50, 60 ja 70 taimea/ m 2 ) vaikutusta porkkanan sadon määrään ja ulkoiseen laatuun. ...
    • The effects of selenate and sulphate supply on the accumulation and volatilization of Se by cabbage, kohlrabi and alfalfa plants grown hydroponically 

      Hajiboland, Roghieh; Amjad, Leila
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2008)
      The effect of Selenium (Se) supplementation at five levels of 0 (control), 5, 10, 15, 20 ìM in plants supplied with one of four concentrations of sulphur (S) including 0.05, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 mM was investigated in two ...