Agricultural and Food Science - Selaus syöttöajan mukaan
Viitteet 1-20 / 531
Mycorrhizal colonisation of highbush blueberry and its native relatives in central Finland
Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 10 (2001) -
Effect of soil-spraying time on root-colonization ability of antagonistic Streptomyces griseoviridis
Agricultural and Food Science in Finland (1997) -
In vitro N degradability and N digestibility of raw, roasted or extruded canola, linseed and soybean
Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)The N degradability and N digestibility of raw, roasted or extruded oilseeds were studied using an in vitro enzyme method. The N degradability and N digestibility of canola, linseed and soybean were calculated based on ... -
Effect of processing and cooking on total and soluble oxalate content in frozen root vegetables prepared for consumption
Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)The oxalate content of beetroot, carrot, celeriac and parsnip after freezing by traditional and modified methods (the latter resulting in a convenience food product), and after the preparation of frozen products for ... -
The effect of different tillage-fertilization practices on the mycoflora of wheat grains
Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)A two-factor field experiment was carried out at the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture during the period 2005-2008. The influence of different tillage and fertilization practices on wheat grain fungal contamination was ... -
Biosynthesis of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the leafy vegetable chicory
Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)The synthesis of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLCPUFAs) was investigated in five cultivars of chicory. Genes for enzymes of the ù3/6 Ä8-desaturation biosynthetic pathways for the formation of C20 VLCPUFAs ... -
Predicting the yield of spring wheat by weather indices in Finland: implications for designing weather index insurances
Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)This paper quantifies the spring wheat yield conditional on temperature- and rainfall-based weather indices in Finland. The estimating equations are standardized and simplified so that they provide information for designing ... -
Estimation of genetic parameters and genetic change for stillbirth in Iranian Holstein cows: a comparison between linear and threshold models
Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Data on stillbirth from the Animal Breeding Center of Iran collected from January 1990 to December 2007 and comprising 668810 Holstein calving events from 2506 herds were analyzed. Linear and threshold animal and sire ... -
Composition of weed flora in spring cereals in Finland - a fourth survey
Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Kevätviljapeltojen rikkakasvillisuutta kartoitettiin Etelä- ja Keski-Suomessa 16 alueella Nivala-Vieremä-Kitee -akselin eteläpuolella vuosina 2007-2009. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana yhteensä 595 peltoa 283 maatilalta. Pelloista ... -
Seed quality effects on seedling emergence, plant stand establishment and grain yield in two-row barley
Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Kylvösiemenen itävyys ja elinvoima ovat tärkeitä tekijöitä orastuvuuden, kasvuston rakentumisen ja sadontuottokyvyn kannalta. Muuhun Eurooppaan verrattuna, sertifioidun kylvösiemenen käyttö on Suomessa vähäistä. Suurin ... -
Improved extraction of prolamins for gluten detection in processed foods
Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Keliakia-analytiikan yksi tärkeimmistä osista on näytteiden sisältämien vehnän, ohran ja rukiin prolamiinien tehokas uutto ennen niiden pitoisuuden analysointia. Prolamiinien uuttuvuuteen vaikuttaa voimakkaasti elintarvikkeen ... -
Meat bone meal as fertiliser for barley and oat
Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandMTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)The traditional production of mineral N and P fertilisers is unsustainable due its reliance on fossil fuels in the case of N, and on limited mineral resource stocks in the case of P. The use of alternative or complementary ... -
The main weed species and their control in oilseed crops in Finland
Agricultural and Food Science : 3/2011 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Kevätöljykasvien, rapsin ja rypsin, rikkakasvillisuutta kartoitettiin Etelä- ja Keski-Suomessa vuosina 2007-2009 yhteensä 429 pellolla. Aineisto kerättiin elokuussa pääasiassa tavanomaisesti viljellyiltä pelloilta; vain ... -
Characteristics of dry- and brine-salted salmon later treated with liquid smoke flavouring
Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)The use of smoke flavourings for the processing of salmon has begun to substitute traditional smoking methods. This review examines the quality issues associated with salted salmon smoked by this technique along the ... -
Effects of barley grain compared to commercial concentrate or rapeseed meal supplementation on performance of growing dairy bulls offered grass silage-based diet
Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää väkirehuruokinnan koostumuksen (litistetty ohra vs. teollinen täysrehu) ja väkirehun valkuaistäydennyksen vaikutuksia maitorotuisten sonnien kasvuun, rehun syöntiin ja ruhon ... -
Preliminary studies on using LAB strains isolated from spontaneous sauerkraut fermentation in combination with mineral salt, herbs and spices in sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice fermentations
Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli alustavasti selvittää voidaanko tuottaa hyvää hapankaalia ja hapankaalimehua yhdistämällä fermentoinneissa alhaista suolamäärää, yrttejä, mausteita ja starttereita. Fermentoinneissa käytetyn ... -
The phytotoxic effects and biodegradability of stored rapeseed oil and rapeseed oil methyl ester
Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Rypsiöljyä ja siitä valmistettua rypsimetyyliesteriä voidaan käyttää polttoaineena dieselmoottoreissa. Suomalaisilla maatiloilla näiden polttoaineiden käyttö on viimeisten vuosien aikana lisääntynyt. Käytön lisääntyessä ... -
Sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice fermented spontaneously using mineral salt, garlic and algae
Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää voidaanko natriumkloridin (NaCl) määrää alentaa hapankaalin ja hapankaalimehun spontaanissa fermentoinnissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin mineraalisuolaa, joka eroaa tavallisesta ... -
Policy harmonized approach for the EU agricultural sector modelling
Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Policy harmonized (PH) approach allows for the quantitative assessment of the impact of various elements of EU CAP direct support schemes, where the production effects of direct payments are accounted through reaction ... -
Comparison of different DNA extraction methods from hair root follicles to genotype Finnish Landrace boars with the Illumina PorcineSNP60 BeadChip
Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2011)Viime aikoina uuden sukupolven sekvensointimenetelmät ovat mahdollistaneet useiden lajien koko genomin sekvensoinnin. Sekvenssitietoon perustuen on kehitetty genotyypityssiruja, joiden käyttö kuitenkin vaatii laadukasta ...