Agricultural and Food Science: Viimeksi lisätty

Viitteet 41-60 / 531

    • Cultivar improvement and environmental variability in yield removed nitrogen of spring cereals and rapeseed in northern growing conditions according to a long-term dataset 

      Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo; Jauhiainen, Lauri
      Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Sadon mukana poistuneen typen suhde lannoitteena annettuun typpeen (%) on tärkeä ja helposti määritettävä typen käytön mittari. Arvon ollessa 100 annettu typpilannoitus vastaa puintien mukana pellolta poistuneen typen ...
    • Understanding the diversification and specialization of farm businesses 

      Hansson, Helena; Ferguson, Richard; Olofsson, Christer
      Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      This paper addresses the development of farm businesses in Sweden, 2000 2007, with regard to their specialization in single farm enterprises, diversified agricultural production and diversification with new income-generating ...
    • Meat quality and fatty acid profile of M. longissimus dorsi of growing bulls under insulated, uninsulated and outdoor housing conditions 

      Huuskonen, Arto; Joki-Tokola, Erkki; Honkavaara, Markku; Tuomisto, Leena; Kauppinen, Risto
      Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää tuotantoympäristön vaikutusta naudanlihan laatuun ja lihan rasvahappokoostumukseen. Tutkimukseen sisältyi kaksi tuotantokoetta, jotka toteutettiin MTT:n Ruukin toimipisteessä. ...
    • Development of yield and nutritive value of timothy in primary growth and regrowth in northern growing conditions 

      Nissinen, Oiva; Kalliainen, Pekka; Jauhiainen, Lauri
      Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Vuosina 1999-2001 MTT:n Kasvintuotannon tutkimuksessa Rovaniemellä seurattiin timotein sadon määrän ja laadun kehitystä sekä kevät- että syyssadossa. Timotein kuiva-ainesadon kasvu oli voimakkainta tähkimisen alkuvaiheessa, ...
    • Multi-step beef ration optimisation: application of linear and weighted goal programming with a penalty function 

      Zgajnar, Jaka; Erjavec, Emil; Kavcic, Stane
      Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      The aim of this paper is to present the method and tool for optimisation of beef-fattening diets. Changes in policy environment and changes in costs of feed pose challenges for farm efficiency. We construct a spreadsheet ...
    • Egg performance, egg quality, and nutrient utilization in laying hens fed diets with different levels of rapeseed expeller cake 

      Swiatkiewicz, Sylwester; Koreleski, Jerzy; Arczewska-Wlosek, Anna
      Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of rapeseed expeller cake (RC) in the diet of laying hens on egg performance, egg quality, retention and excretion of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus, ...
    • The influence of raw grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) seeds on growth performance and biochemical and haematological parameters in the blood of grower-finisher pigs 

      Winiarska-Mieczan, Anna; Kwiecien, Malgorzata
      Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of raw seeds of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) in feed mixtures for grower-finisher pigs on growth performance, and biochemical and haematological parameters in ...
    • Improving the quality of dry-cured sausages using pork from rustic breeds 

      Banon, Sancho; Bedia, Mario; Almela, Elisabeth; Martinez, Pedro Jose
      Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      The use of pork from rustic pig breeds was tested to improve the quality of dry-cured fermented sausages. The quality of a salchichon/salami-type sausage manufactured with pork from Chato Murciano breed (CM) and Early ...
    • Comparison of different models for the estimation of genetic parameters of body weight traits in Moghani sheep 

      Hossein-Zadeh, Navid Ghavi; Ardalan, Mehrnaz
      Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandMTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Genetic parameters for birth weight (BW), 3-month weight (3MW), 6-month weight (6MW), 9-month weight (9MW) and yearling weight (YW) in Iranian Moghani sheep were estimated using restricted maximum likelihood procedure of ...
    • Nitrogen fertilization and yield formation of potato during a short growing period 

      Mustonen, Leo; Wallius, Esa; Hurme, Timo
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Perunan viljelyssä käytetään runsaasti ravinteita, jotta voidaan tuottaa laadultaan ja määrältään hyvä sato. Typpilannoitus vaikuttaa voimakkaasti sadon kehitykseen ja kasvuston tuleentumiseen. Runsas typpi rehevöittää ...
    • The effect of processing on the amino acid content in green cauliflower 

      Slupski, Jacek; Lisiewska, Zofia; Kmiecik, Waldemar; Gebczynski, Piotr; Sobczynska, Lidia
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandMTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      The aim of the work was to evaluate the level of amino acids and quality of protein in fresh green cauliflower and in three kinds of products as eaten: fresh cauliflower after cooking; and two types of frozen product: ...
    • Performance of growing dairy bulls offered diets based on silages made of whole-crop barley, whole-crop wheat, hairy vetch and grass 

      Huuskonen, Arto; Joki-Tokola, Erkki
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      MTT:llä tehdyssä ruokintakokeessa verrattiin kesällä 1999 viljeltyjen ja kokoviljasäilörehuksi korjattujen rehujen tuotantovaikutusta kasvavien maitorotuisten sonnien ruokinnassa. Koerehuina olivat puhtaasta ohrakasvustosta ...
    • Model prediction of frost tolerance as related to winter survival of wheat in Finnish field trials 

      Bergjord, Anne Kari; Bonesmo, Helge; Skjelvåg, Arne Oddvar
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      The model FROSTOL simulates course of frost tolerance in winter wheat on a daily basis from sowing on as affected by soil temperature (2 cm), snow cover, phenological development, and a genotypic maximum level of frost ...
    • Compressive behaviour of the soil in buffer zones under different management practices in Finland 

      Räty, Mari; Horn, Rainer; Rasa, Kimmo; Yli-Halla, Markku; Pietola, Liisa
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandMTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Hydrologiselta kannalta suojavyöhykkeiden ja -kaistojen tarkoitus on pintavalunnan hillitseminen ja imeynnän eli infiltraation edistäminen. Koska maan rakenne vaikuttaa keskeisesti suojavyöhykkeiden ja -kaistojen toimintaan, ...
    • Climatic potential and risks for apple growing by 2040 

      Kaukoranta, Timo; Tahvonen, Risto; Ylämäki, Arto
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (2010)
      Ilmaston muutoksen vaikutus yhdeksän nykyisen omenalajikkeen (Malus domestica Borkh.) potentiaalisiin tuotantoalueisiin ja tuotannon riskeihin 1971-2040 kartoitettiin käyttämällä agroilmastollisia indeksejä, hilapisteisiin ...
    • Tactical decisions of concentrate level, slaughter age and carcass weight of bulls of five beef breeds under Norwegian conditions 

      Bonesmo, Helge; Nordang, Leidulf; Davies, Lloyd
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Beef production based on suckler cow breeds is a relatively new production system in Norway as in most Nordic countries. To ensure the continuation of this production, profitable management practices designed for Norwegian ...
    • Drying characteristics and kinetics of fluidized bed dried potato 

      Bakal, Sushant B; Gedam, Kishor H; Sharma, Gyanendra Prakash
      Agricultural and Food Science : 2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      In developed countries, more than 50% potatoes are consumed as processed products. As drying is the vital phenomenon in processing, it is necessary to investigate the drying characteristics and its kinetics. In this ...
    • The irrelevance of stated plans in predicting farm successions in Finland 

      Väre, Minna; Pietola, Kyösti; Weiss, Christoph R
      Agricultural and Food Science : 1 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandMTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Suomalaisen maatalouden rakenne on muuttunut nopeasti viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana; maatilojen määrä on vähentynyt ja keskikoko kasvanut. Samaan aikaan tehtyjen sukupolvenvaihdosten määrä on vähentynyt. Maatalouden ...
    • Efficacy of fungicide tebuconazole in barley varieties with different resistance level 

      Sooväli, Pille; Koppel, Mati
      Agricultural and Food Science : 1 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandMTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Efficacy of the fungicide tebuconazole was tested in 2 treatment regimes in 3 spring barley varieties over three years (2003 2005). The impact of the fungicide on the control of major barley pathogens Pyrenophora teres ...
    • Effects of birch tar oils on soil organisms and plants 

      Hagner, Marleena; Pasanen, Tiina; Lindqvist, Bengt; Lindqvist, Isa; Tiilikkala, Kari; Penttinen, Olli-Pekka; Setälä, Heikki
      Agricultural and Food Science : 1 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandMTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      Koivupuun pyrolyysissa puuaine hajoaa lämmön vaikutuksesta erilaisiksi tuotteiksi. Prosessin yhteydessä syntyy muun muassa koivuöljytislettä (birch tar oil; BTO). Koivuöljytisle näyttää useiden vielä tarkemmin tutkimattomien ...