- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan Metlan työraportteja

    • FinCOSPAR 2013 - Abstracts 29 -30th August, Vantaa, Finland 

      Tomppo, Erkki; Merikallio, Sini; Murtovaara, Irene; Finnish Meteorological Institute. Finland; Metsäntutkimuslaitos / Etelä-Suomen alueyksikkö
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 276 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2013)
      The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) was established by the International Council for Science(ICSU) in 1958 as an interdisciplinary scientific body concerned with the progress on an internationalscale of all kinds of ...
    • Finland s Forests in Changing Climate 

      Parviainen, Jari; Vapaavuori, Elina; Mäkelä, Annikki; Metsäntutkimuslaitos / Itä-Suomen alueyksikkö
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 159 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2010)
      This issue of Metla s Working Papers is based on the Finnish COST Action FP 0707 Expected Climate Change and Options for European Silviculture (ECHOES) country report published in 2009 compiled with updated information. ...
    • Finnish forest soils 

      Tamminen, Pekka; Tomppo, Erkki
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 100 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2008)
      It was possible to classify forest soils according to the World reference base soil classification system (WRB) on the basis of the site and soil variables measured or estimated in the Finnish 9th National Forest Inventory. ...
    • Fixteri FX15a kokopuupaalaimen tuottavuus ja työprosessit nuorten mäntyvaltaisten metsien energiapuun korjuussa 

      Nuutinen, Yrjö; Björheden, Rolf
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 281 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2014)
      Fixteri FX15a -kokopuupaalaimen tuottavuustutkimus toteutettiin maaliskuussa 2013 Jyväskylän ympäristössä kolmella puustoltaan erilaisella mäntyvaltaisella kuviolla. Kaksi kuvioista oli energiapuukorjuukohteita. Ensimmäisellä ...
    • Flooding, soil frost and Scots pine saplings 

      Roitto, Marja; Wang, Ai-fang; Sutinen, Sirkka; Lehto, Tarja; Repo, Tapani
      Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 214 (Metsäntutkimuslaitos, 2011)
    • Forest condition monitoring in Finland National report 2002 -2005 

      Merilä, Päivi; Kilponen, Tuire; Derome, John; Metsäntutkimuslaitos / Parkano
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 45 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2007)
      Since 1985 Finland has been participating in the Pan-European forest condition monitoring programme the International Co-operative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP ...
    • Forest energy potential in Europe (EU 27) 

      Asikainen, Antti; Liiri, Harri; Peltola, Sanna; Karjalainen, Timo; Laitila, Juha
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 69 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2008)
      The aim of this study was to estimate forest energy potential in Europe, in particular in 27 European countries that were members of the European Union as of the beginning of 2007. The study is limited to forests available ...
    • Forest inventory with sparse resolution Airborne Laser Scanning data a literature review 

      Säynäjoki, Raita; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Kari T.
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 103 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2008)
      The article reviews 34 recent Nordic studies on the use of sparse resolution ALS data for forest inventory. Key parameters of the applied ALS data - study area, ground truth data, applied methods, resulting regression ...
    • Forest planning in private forests in Finland, Iceland, Norway, Scotland and Sweden. Proceedings of ELAV seminar, 23-24 March 2006, Koli, Finland 

      Nuutinen, Tuula; Kärkkäinen, Leena; Kettunen, Leena; Metsäntutkimuslaitos / Joensuu
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 38 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2006)
      ELAV (Enhancing Local Activity and Values from forest land through community-led strategic planning) is an international project, in which opportunities provided by forests are identified as well as ways to utilize these ...
    • Forest recreation monitoring - a European perspective 

      Sievänen, Tuija; Arnberger, Arne; Dehez, Jeoffrey; Grant, Neil; Jensen, Frank; Skov-Petersen, Hans; BOKU University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences. Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning. Vienna, Austria; CEMAGREF, France; Forestry Commission, United Kingdom; University of Copenhagen, Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Denmark; Metsäntutkimuslaitos / Vantaa
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 79 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2008)
      COST Action E33 Forest for recreation and nature tourism (FORREC) is a network of researchers and practitioners working in the field from all around Europe. The work was devided into three working groups. The aim of ...
    • Forest resources, production and exports of roundwood and sawnwood from Russia 

      Mutanen, Antti; Viitanen, Jari; Toppinen, Anne; Hänninen, Riitta; Holopainen, Päivi
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 9 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2005)
      In this study, the recent development and current state of Russian forest sector are reviewed in order to evaluate its significance in a global scale. The main emphasis is on the utilisation and management of Russian forest ...
    • Forests and abundance of water -focus on boreal forests and peatlands. Abstracts and Programme of COST Action FP0601 FORMAN Workshop at the Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki and Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, Finland 6.−8.9.2010 

      Finér, Leena; Kortelainen, Pirkko; Lode, Elve; Lier, Markus; Tallinn University, Estonia; Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE); Metsäntutkimuslaitos / Joensuu
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 168 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2010)
      This paper compiles the programme and abstracts of the international scientific workshop, Forests and abundance of water boreal forests and peatlands, organised in the premises of the Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki ...
    • Forests and afforestation in a rural development context: a comparative study of three regions in Finland 

      Selby, Ashley; Petäjistö, Leena; Koskela, Terhi
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 14 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2005)
      The investigation examines how farmers and rural advisors perceive forests, forestry and field afforestation in the context of rural development in three contrasting rural business districts (RBDs) in Finland: Etelä-Pohjanmaa, ...
    • FORVISITS: modelling visitor flows at a regional level 

      De Vries, Sjerp; Jellema, André; Goossen, Martin
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 2 (Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2004)
    • Frost hardiness of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Scots pine roots 

      Korhonen, Anna; Lehto, Tarja; Repo, Tapani
      Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 214 (Metsäntutkimuslaitos, 2011)
    • Future of forest energy in Europe in 2030 

      Riala, Maria; Asikainen, Antti
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 244 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2012)
      The need to increase the use of forest energy is connected to the EU goals for use of renewable energy. If the targets are to be reached, forest energy should play a role. The share of forest energy out of all renewable ...
    • General principles for sustainable nature tourism in protected areas administrated by Metsähallitus, Finland 

      Högmander, Jouko; Leivo, Anneli
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 2 (Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2004)
    • Global forest energy resources, certification of supply and markets for energy technology (GLOENER) 

      Karjalainen, Timo; Anttila, Perttu; Asikainen, Antti; Gerasimov, Yuri; Laitila, Juha; Leinonen, Arvo; Alakangas, Eija; Flyktman, Martti; Heiskanen, Veli-Pekka; Raittila, Jyrki; Virkkunen, Matti; Wiik, Camilla; Linnanen, Lassi; Heinimö, Jussi; Helin, Tuoma
      Metlan työraportteja / Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 289 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2014)
    • Global potential of modern fuelwood 

      Anttila, Perttu; Karjalainen, Timo; Asikainen, Antti
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 118 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2009)
      The increasing demand for biomass energy also enhances the need for more accurate estimates of the availability of biomass resources. Estimation of the forest energy potential is neither a trivial nor an unambiguous task ...
    • Guidance for tree measurement in tropical forest ecosystems using non-destructive sampling to develop stem biomass and volume models 

      Guendehou, G.H. Sabin; Lehtonen, Aleksi
      Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 287 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2014)
      The lack of guidance on tree measurements applying a non-destructive approach in tropical forest ecosystems motivated the drafting of this paper. The paper guides step by step on how to conduct tree measurements to generate ...