Agricultural and Food Science - Selaus asiasanan mukaan "water"

    • Mechanical properties of oats and oat products 

      Gates, Fred K.; Dobraszczyk, Bogdan J.
      Agricultural and Food Science : 1-2 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2004)
      The aim of this review is to illustrate how physical properties are important to food processing and quality. Three food products, flakes, porridge and bread, in addition to oat groats are used to show the influence of ...
    • Reduced tillage: Influence on erosion and nutrient losses in a clayey field in southern 

      Koskiaho, Jari; Kivisaari, Simo; Vermeulen, Stephan; Kauppila, Raimo; Kallio, Kari; Puustinen, Markku
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 1 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2002)
      Aurattoman viljelyn ja perinteisen syyskynnön vaikutuksia eroosioon sekä typen ja fosforin huuhtoutumiseen verrattiin eteläsuomalaisella, savimaalla sijaitsevalla koekentällä. Vaikka koe aloitettiin jo syksyllä 1986, tässä ...
    • Stream plant chemistry as indicator of acid sulphate soils in Sweden 

      Lax, Kaj
      Agricultural and Food Science : 1 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2005)
      Results from the biogeochemical mapping (roots of aquatic plants and Fontinalis antipyretica) conducted by the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) reflects the metal load of surface waters draining acid sulphate (AS) soils ...