"feed" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Maa- ja elintarviketalous

    • Proceedings - Twenty Years of Selenium Fertilization. September 8-9, 2005, Helsinki, Finland 

      Eurola, Merja (editor); Hietaniemi, Veli
      Agrifood Research ReportsMaa- ja elintarviketalous : 69 (MTT, 2005)
      With the workshop theme "Twenty years of selenium fertilization" the or-zanizers wanted to summarize the 20-year research period of Finnish sele-nium supplemented fertilization and bring together people interested in ...
    • Proceedings 7th International Oat Conference 

      Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo; Topi-Hulmi, Mari; Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / KTL Kasvintuotannon tutkimus / Kasvinviljely ja biotekniikka KAS; Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / KTL Kasvintuotannon tutkimus / Kasvinviljely ja biotekniikka KAS; MTT Agrifood Research Finland; MTT
      Agrifood Research ReportsMaa- ja elintarviketalous : 51 (MTT, 2004)
      At the 6th International Oat Conference, held in New Zealand, in 2000, it was agreed that the next conference would be held in Helsinki, Finland, in 2004. The National Organising Committee of the forthcoming conference ...