Yield variation and yield potential of organic arable crops in Finland derived from statistical data
Iivonen, Sari; Niemeläinen, Oiva; Kokkinen, Mirva; Jauhiainen, Lauri (2024)
Iivonen, Sari
Niemeläinen, Oiva
Kokkinen, Mirva
Jauhiainen, Lauri
Agricultural and food science
Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland
How to cite: Iivonen, S., Niemeläinen, O., Kokkinen, M., & Jauhiainen, L. (2024). Yield variation and yield potential of organic arable crops in Finland derived from statistical data. Agricultural and Food Science, 33(3), 212–222. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.146579
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This study aims to expand and diversify the analysis of crop yields in organic production by utilising the long-term statistical data reported by farmers. We examined the variation of the harvested yields of organic arable crops (season’s ad hoc harvest) on Finnish organic farms and determined the yield potential for different organic crops and in comparison, with conventional counterparts. When comparing median yields per ha, organic yields were on average 65% of conventional yields. The mean yield difference significantly differed between plant species. Among the analysed crops, faba bean performed best, gaining on average 84% of conventional yields, while organic cereals attained an average of 54–68% of conventional yields. The ratio of organic and conventional median yields was compared between geographical regions, and significant regional differences were found. The performance of organic cereals remained stable over the years, but the relative performance of the organic grain legumes, pea and faba bean, depended more on growing conditions. An average yield gap between the best-performing and median farms was 38% for organic farms and 28% for conventional farms. This indicates that Finnish organic farms have greater potential to improve the yield level than conventional farms.
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