Julkaisut - Selaus asiasanan mukaan "fur bearing animals"

    • Calcium and phosphorus nutrition of blue foxes 

      Valaja, Jarmo; Pölönen, Ilpo; Rekilä, Teppo; Nenonen, Nita; Jalava, Taina
      NJF-Utredning. Rapport : 347 (Nordiska Jordbruksforskares Förening (NJF), 2002)
    • Dehulled and naked oats in mink and blue fox diets 

      Nenonen, Nita; Pölönen, Ilpo; Rekilä, Teppo; Siirilä, Pekka; Valaja, Jarmo
      NJF-Utredning. Rapport : 347 (Nordiska Jordbruksforskares Förening (NJF), 2002)
    • Digging and its welfare implications for farmed blue fox 

      Korhonen, Hannu T.; Huuki, Hanna
      Annals of Animal Science : 2 (2011)
      Our study sought to clarify farmed blue foxes' (Vulpes lagopus) digging motivation on two different digging substrates, sandbox and plates. The plates were either on the wall or on the floor; the sandbox was always on the ...