Luonnonvarakeskuksen julkaisut
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Julkaisut [86840]
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Slow recovery of microclimate temperature buffering capacity after clear-cuts in boreal forests
Agricultural and forest meteorology (Elsevier, 2025)The majority of Fennoscandian boreal forests are managed. Forest management inherently changes the physical structure of forests, thus altering ecosystem functions and the conditions for living organisms within these ... -
Typen hyväksikäyttötehokkuuden (NUE) laskeminen nurmenviljelyssä
Luke Tietokortti (Luonnonvarakeskus, 2025) -
Chapter 3 : Exploring the Potential of an Ecosocial Approach for African Social Work Education
(Routledge, 2024)As the global environmental crisis continues to threaten the wellbeing and livelihood of people in marginalised communities like those in Africa, the social work profession is urged to expand its curriculum to include ... -
Effects of silicon application on Betula pendula seedlings
Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Canadian Science Publishing, 2025) -
Small area estimators in a simulation test
Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Canadian Science Publishing, 2025)The Finnish National Forest Inventory produces municipality level results either with an indirect model-based K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) estimator or a direct design-based post-stratification estimator. Design-based approach ... -
Volume growth responses of Scots pine and Norway spruce to nitrogen fertilization: quantitative synthesis of fertilization experiments in Finland
Silva fennica : 1 (Suomen metsätieteellinen seura, 2025)The effects of nitrogen (N) fertilization on tree growth have been studied widely in boreal forests in Finland, but a quantitative synthesis is still lacking. We performed a quantitative synthesis on volume growth responses ... -
Turvekankaat - mainettaan parempia metsämaita
Vesitalous : 1 (Vesihuoltoliitto, 2025) -
Ajovitsan käyttö saattaa saada hevosen hidastamaan
Hevosurheilu : 6/2025 (2025) -
Machine Learning Applications for Fisheries - At Scales from Genomics to Ecosystems
Reviews in fisheries science & aquaculture (Taylor & Francis, 2024)Fisheries science aims to understand and manage marine natural resources. It relies on resource-intensive sampling and data analysis. Within this context, the emergence of machine learning (ML) systems holds significant ... -
Rahkasammalesta ilmastoviisas kasvualusta - mahdollisuudet kokonaiskestävään korjuuseen (RahKoo) -hankkeen loppuraportti
GTK:n tutkimustyöraportti : 80/2024 (2024) -
Boostia luomunokkosen tuotantoon
Puutarha & kauppa : 20 (2024) -
A new feature: Perspectives
Forest ecology and management (Elsevier, 2022) -
Debatt: Den gröna omställningens ohållbara polarisering
Västerbottens-Kuriren : 4.2.2025 (2025) -
Vägledning för utnyttjandet av markanvändningssektorns klimatåtgärder i kommunernas klimat- och biodiversitetsarbete
Finlands miljöcentrals rapporter : 33sv (Finlands miljöcentral, 2024) -
Liite 1 : Hieskoivun kasvatus joutoalueilla
Tapion raportti : 75 (Tapio Oy, 2024) -
Kohti toimivaa monikielisyyttä : Tieteentekijöiden suositukset kielitietoisuuden ja monikielisten käytänteiden vahvistamiseksi
(Tieteentekijöiden liitto, 2024) -
Uneven-aged and even-aged forest management shape the soil fungal community composition in a boreal Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) forest
Science of the total environment (Elsevier, 2025) -
Chapter 7 - Microbial control in forestry
(Elsevier, 2025) -
Effects of logging residue on the growth and properties of the humus layer in Scots pine and Norway spruce stands
Forest ecology and management (Elsevier, 2025)The utilisation of forest-based primary biomass as a source of renewable energy is becoming increasingly prevalent as a means of reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. However, there has been a growing concern about the ... -
Towards a global understanding of tree mortality
New phytologist (John Wiley & Sons, 2025)