Julkaisut - Selaus nimekkeen mukaan
Viitteet 24141-24160 / 86729
I palkinnon suomenhevosoriitten näyttelytiedot
Hevosurheilukuvasto : 2 (Suomen Hevosurheilulehti Oy, 1979) -
I pälsdjurets välfärd ingår rätten till en god död
Finsk pälstidskrift : 8 (Finlands Pälsdjursuppfödares Förbund, 2013) -
I väntan på en bionedbrytbar repellent mot sniglar
Trädgårdsnytt : 8/2010 (Svenska trädgårdsförbundet, 2010) -
i-Tree – työkalu kaupunkipuiden ekosysteemipalveluiden arvottamiseen
Viherympäristö : 1/2018 (Puutarhaliitto ryViherympäristöliitto ry, 2018) -
IAS fair value and forest evaluation on farm forestry
Scandinavian forest economics : 40 (2004) -
IAS fair value and forest evaluation on farm forestry
Scandinavian Forest Economics : 40 (2004) -
IC-FRA Sampling design simulations : Technical report
(Natural Resources Institute Finland, 2015) -
Ice fishing reveals size structure but not abundance of Eurasian perch in small boreal lakes
Fisheries Management and Ecology (Wiley, 2022) -
Ice-on-snow and compacted and absent snowpack exert contrasting effects on soil carbon cycling in a northern boreal forest
Soil biology and biochemistry (Pergamon, 2020) -
ICES Scientific Reports : 02 (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 2021) -
ICI-project "Enhancing development of water use efficient crops and production methods to dry and saline conditions"
(Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2016) -
ICPP2013 - 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Peking, Kiina 25.-30.8.13
Kasvinsuojelu : 4 (Kasvinsuojeluseura ry, 2013) -
ICT and communication paper markets
IUFRO World Series (2005) -
ICT and the forest sector: The history and the present
IUFRO World Series (2005) -
ICT monitoring and mathematical modelling of dairy cows performances in hot climate conditions: a study case in Po valley (Italy)
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal : Special issue: Animal Housing in Hot Climate (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, 2018) -
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Partitiviridae
Journal of General Virology : 99 (Microbiology Society, 2018) -
Idea and practice of inclusive farming
(Natural Resources Institute Finland, 2015) -
Idea and practice of inclusive farming
Suomen maataloustieteellisen seuran tiedote : 32 (Suomen Maataloustieteellinen Seura, 2016)