Estimation of energy wood potential in Europe
Karjalainen, Timo; Asikainen, Antti; Ilavský, Ján; Zamboni, Raffaella; Hotari, Kaiksa-Elina; Röser, Dominik (2004)
Karjalainen, Timo
Asikainen, Antti
Ilavský, Ján
Zamboni, Raffaella
Hotari, Kaiksa-Elina
Röser, Dominik
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute
43 p.
Finnish Forest Research Institute Metsäntutkimuslaitos
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Aim of this study was to estimate energy wood potential in Europe, in particular in 25 European countries that are members of the European Union from the beginning of May 2004. Estimation of the energy wood potential has been divided into estimation of roundwood balance, and estimation of felling residues. Study has been limited to forests available for wood supply. Roundwood balance illustrates unutilized increment that could be used for industrial purposes, for energy production or left in the forests as it is the difference between net annual increment and felling. Felling residues that are usually left in the forest are becoming increasingly important source for wood energy.Forest resources in Europe have been increasing during the last 50 years. Roundwood balance based on the difference between net annual increment and fellings is approximately 186 million m3 per year or 32% of the net annual increment. The roundwood balance has been clearly positive for a long time, and thus increasing amount of wood has accumulated in the forests, resulting in denser forest and older age class structures. Roundwood balance can be regarded as a kind of surplus or reserve that is left in the forests currently. Competition of the wood resources is increasing and obviously fulfilment of the demands for industrial use, energy production and protection would require compromises. Use of roundwood directly for energy purposes would depend of the prices of roundwood, especially that for wood-based panels, pulp and paper as well as for energy production.The potential sources of forest fuels are felling residues and stumps from current fellings and the roundwood balance, consisting of the stem wood balance, its crown mass and stump wood. It was estimated that felling residues total 173 mill. m3 annually. Annually harvestable residues were estimated to be 63 mill. m3. In addition, about 9 mill. m3 stump wood (out of 78 mill. m3 total potential) could be used for energy production. When 25 % of the roundwood balance is directed to energy use, 64 mill. m3 of above ground biomass and about 4 mill. m3 of stump wood could be used for energy annually. Thus the available forest fuel totals about 140 mill. m3 per year, i.e. about 56 mill. owen dry tons of wood, which corresponds to about 280 TWh of energy or 24 Mtoe. This would be about 24% of the current use of renewables in EU25. For comparison, available forest fuels equal to about 37% of the current annual fellings.
- Metlan työraportteja [442]