Applying linear mixed model to farm panel data set
Sinisalo, Alina (2014)
Sinisalo, Alina
p. 103-108
Statistics Estonia
The development of production costs were studied in Finnish farms in 2000-
2011 with a linear mixed model taking into account farm-level information
(production type, economic size, arable land) and time effect. Interindividual
differences in intraindividual changes over time were analyzed. The production
cost increased over time and as the size of arable land and standard output
2011 with a linear mixed model taking into account farm-level information
(production type, economic size, arable land) and time effect. Interindividual
differences in intraindividual changes over time were analyzed. The production
cost increased over time and as the size of arable land and standard output
- Julkaisut [86840]