Organic acids - their efficacy and modes of action in pigs
Partanen, Kirsi (2001)
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Partanen, Kirsi
p. 201-217
Nottingham University Press
A meta-analysis of published data shows that dietary organic acids enhance the growth and feed to gain ratio of weaned piglets and fattening pigs. In weaned piglets, the improved growth performance was related to increased feed intake. neither weanind weight, the existing level of performance nor dietary crude protein content influenced the response of weaned piglets to organic acids. In fattening pigs, the growth response increased with dietary crude protein content, whereas the existinf level of performance had no effect. The performance response was greater in the growing than finishing phase. Several modes of action claimed for beneficial effects of organic acids are discussed. Improved nutrient digestibilities result from decreased microbial activity in the gut which spares nutrients from microbes to the animal and reduces microbial protein synthesis. Organic acids may also influence pancreatic excrine secretion and gut morphology. Effects on Escherichia coli counts and the incidence of diarrhoea are generally inconsistent.
- Julkaisut [86330]