"Pahkala, Eero" - Selaus tekijän mukaan MTT:n julkaisusarjat

    • Effect of milk coagulation properties of herd bulk milks on yield and composition of Emmental cheese 

      Ikonen, Tiina; Ruottinen, Outi; Syväoja, Eeva-Liisa; Saarinen, Kimmo; Pahkala, Eero; Ojala, Matti
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 4-5 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1999)
      The effect of milk coagulation properties of herd bulk milks on cheese yield,and on composition of cheese and cheese whey was estimated using milks that were collected from two herd groups each consisting of 4 herds.The ...
    • Optimization of centrifugal separation of alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin 

      Tupasela, Tuomo; Koskela, Petri; Pahkala, Eero; Kankare, Veikko
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 2 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1997)
      Heraproteiinit käsittävät noin 20 % maidon proteiineista. Heraproteiinit koostuvat pääasiassa beta-laktoglobuliinista (beta-lg) ja alpha-laktalbumiinista (alpha-la). Tehdyissä kokeissa tutkimme pH:n, kuiva-ainepitoisuuden, ...