"Värv, Sirje" - Selaus tekijän mukaan Luonnonvarakeskusta edeltävien organisaatioiden sarjat

    • Microsatellite, blood group and transferrin protein diversity of Estonian dairy cattle breeds 

      Värv, Sirje; Kantanen, Juha; Viinalass, Haldja
      Agricultural and Food Science : 4 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2010)
      This study investigates genetic diversity within and among three Estonian dairy cattle breeds (Estonian Native, Estonian Red and Estonian Holstein). A total of 36 markers (25 microsatellites, 10 blood group systems and ...
    • Milk protein genotypes and milk coagulation properties of Estonian Native cattle 

      Jõudu, Ivi; Henno, Merike; Värv, Sirje; Kaart, Tanel; Kärt, Olav; Kalamees, Käde
      Agricultural and Food Science : 3 (MTT Agrifood Research FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 2007)
      The genetic variation of ás1-, â- and ê-caseins and b-lactoglobulin was determined and their effects on the rennet coagulation properties were examined using 335 milk samples from 118 Estonian Native (EN) cows. We found ...