Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen erillisjulkaisut
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Uusimmat viitteet
Valkea-Kotinen ‒ long-term results from a Finnish ICP Integrated Monitoring (IM) catchment
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Monitoring changes in the carbon stocks of forest soils
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Significance of litter production of forest stands and ground vegetation in the formation of organic matter and storage of carbon in boreal coniferous forests
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Changes of understorey vegetation in Finland in 1985–2006
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Quality Assurance for laboratory results from Forest Condition Monitoring in Finland
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Estimation of canopy cover using planar photography method
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
The monitoring of daily and annual growth and other changes in spruce, pine, and birch stem diameters with girth bands in Finland, 2009–2011
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Soil condition monitoring on Level II plots – parameters related to acidity and buffering status
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Soil percolation water quality during 1996–2010 on Level II plots in Finland
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Sulphur and nitrogen deposition in bulk deposition and stand throughfall on intensive monitoring plots in Finland
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Understorey vegetation on Level II plots during 1998–2009
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Litterfall production and quality at Level II sites
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Forest condition in national networks (ICP Forests, Level I and Level II)
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2014) -
Foliar chemistry on the intensive monitoring plots
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Intensive and continuous monitoring of forest ecosystems – Level II in Finland
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Extensive monitoring of forest condition – Level I in Finland
(The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2013) -
Pysyvien koealojen 3. mittaus 1995. Maastotyon ohjeet. Biologin työt
(Metsäntutkimuslaitos, 1995) -
Metsäpuiden elinvoimaisuuden arviointi. Vuotuisen seurannan (ICP level I) ja ympäristön yhdennetyn seurannan koealat 1998
(Metsäntutkimuslaitos, 1998) -
Metsäpuiden elinvoimaisuuden arviointi. Vuotuisen seurannan (ICP level I) ja ympäristön yhdennetyn seurannan koealat 2000
(Metsäntutkimuslaitos, 2000)