"oheistuote" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan MTT:n julkaisusarjat

    • Lysine supplementation of barley wet distillers' solids diets for growing-finishing pigs 

      Valaja, Jarmo; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka; Alaviuhkola, Timo; Rantanen, Asko
      Agricultural and Food Science in Finland : 2 (Agricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of FinlandAgricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1996)
      A growth experiment was conducted to study the effect of different lysine supplementation levels of barley wet distillers' solids (WDS) diets on the performance and the carcass quality of pigs (25.5-95.5 kg live weight). ...