Julkaisut - Selaus asiasanan mukaan "Wood production"

    • 6th International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing : PROCEEDINGS 

      Möttönen, Veikko; Heinonen, Emilia; University of Eastern Finland; Luke / Uudet liiketoimintamahdollisuudet / Kiertotalouden ratkaisut / Puuteollisuuden ratkaisut (4100300413); 4100300413
      Natural resources and bioeconomy studies : 80/2017 (Luonnonvarakeskus, 2017)
      City of Lahti, Finland, has the opportunity to host the 6th International Conference of Hardwood Processing (ISCHP 2017) during September 25 to 28, 2017. The main events of the conference are arranged in the spectacular ...