Julkaisut - Selaus nimekkeen mukaan
Viitteet 84854-84873 / 86840
Waiting for Snow: Discrepancy Between the Demand for Snow and Actual Snow Conditions
Arctic Encounters (Springer International Publishing, 2023) -
Waldbau mit Birke in Finnland
Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift / Der Wald : 13 (2009) -
Waldschutzgebiete und Naturwälder. Biologische Artenvielfalt - Kernfragen in der europäischen Diskussion.
Mitteilungen des Vereins Forstliche Standortskunde und Forstpflanzenzüchtung (2009) -
WAMBAF – Good Practices for Ditch Network Maintenance to Protect Water Quality in the Baltic Sea Region
Natural resources and bioeconomy studies : 25/2018 (Luonnonvarakeskus, 2018)These good practices for ditch network maintenance (DNM) were prepared within the WAMBAF project (Water Management in Baltic Forests); project period from 1.3.2016 to 28.2.2019, which was initiated to tackle the problems ... -
WAMBAF – Hyvät käytännöt kunnostusojituksen vesiensuojeluun Itämeren alueelle
Luonnonvara- ja biotalouden tutkimus : 4/2019 (Luonnonvarakeskus, 2019)Tämä "WAMBAF – Hyvät käytännöt kunnostusojituksen vesiensuojeluun Itämeren alueelle" on lyhennetty versio laajemmasta raportista "WAMBAF – Good Practices for Ditch Network Maintenance to Protect Water Quality in the Baltic ... -
Wanted: tummat ja tuliset mehiläiset
Koelypsy : 2 (MTT, 2005) -
Warm acclimation and oxygen depletion induce species-specific responses in salmonids
Journal of Experimental Biology (The Company of Biologists, 2015) -
Warm, rainy winter onset increases the risk of hard, icy snow layers and the occurrence of mycotoxins in reindeer winter pastures
Regional environmental change : 4 (Springer Nature, 2024)When thick wet snow covers unfrozen ground at the beginning of winter, herders fear the development of a hard, icy bottom snow layer and the appearance of noxious moulds (microfungi) in semi-domesticated reindeer pastures. ... -
Warming and elevated ozone differently modify needle anatomy of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Canadian Journal of Forest Research (NRC Research Press, 2017) -
Warming and ozone exposure effects on silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) leaf litter quality, microbial growth and decomposition
Plant and Soil : 1-2 (Speringer International Publishing Switzerland, 2017) -
Warming autumns at high latitudes of Europe: an opportunity to lose or gain in cereal production?
Regional Environmental Change : 5 (Springer, 2018) -
Warming climate - new pests may fling the EU pesticide strategy
NJF Report : 2/2007 (NJF, 2007) -
Warming drives phenological changes in coastal zooplankton
Marine biology : 5 (Springer Nature, 2024)Climate warming has led to phenological changes over time, typically displayed as earlier emergence of various organisms in spring or summer in temperate terrestrial and marine systems alike. Similarly, warm conditions can ... -
Warming impacts on boreal fen CO2 exchange under wet and dry conditions
Global Change Biology : 6 (Wiley, 2019)