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Replacing soya bean meal with heat-treated, low-glucosinolate rapeseed meal does not affect the perfomance of growing-finishing pigs did not affect the performance of growing and finishing pigs
A growth experiment was conducted to determine the suitability of heat-moisture-treated rapeseed meal (RSM) with a very low glucosinolate (GL) content (2.9 micromol/g defatted meal) as a substitute for soya bean meal (SBM) ...
Effects of milk fat, unhydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils on fat metabolism of growing pigs : I.Growth, feed utilization and carcass quality in pigs fed different fats and oils
(Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, The Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, The Finnish Society of Dairy ScienceAgricultural Research Centre of FinlandThe Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, 1993)
Tutkimus kuului yhteistutkimukseen "Ravintorasvojen vaikutus sydän - ja verisuonitautien riskitekijöihin". Tämän osatutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää erilaisten ravintorasvojen; voi -, rypsi -, auringonkukka - ja ...