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Prediction of the in vivo digestibility of grass silage from gas production kinetics
(American dairy science association, 2001)
Kuidun sulatuskinetiikan määritysmenetelmät
(Suomen Maataloustieteellinen Seura, 2004)
In situ digestibility and ruminal retention time of feed particles with functional specific gravity higher or lower than 1.02
(American dairy science association, 2001)
Ohra- ja vehnäkokoviljasäilörehut kasvavien sonnien ruokinnassa
(Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, Maatilatalouden kehittämisrahasto, 2001)
Influence of the timing of the harvest of primary grass growth on herbage quality and subsequent digestion and performance in the ruminant animal
(Helsingin yliopisto, Kotieläintieteen laitos, 2000)
Abstract This thesis consists of experiments in which the timing of harvest in the primary growth of grass was used to manipulate forage quality. The objectives of this work were to qualify and quantify the effects of ...
Manipulation of milk composition with forage-based diets
(Scandinavian Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF), 1995)
Feeding value of barley plants as related to stage of maturity : 1. morphological and chemical composition and in vitro digestibility
(Scandinavian University Press, 1995)
Feeding value of barley plants as related to stage of maturity : 2. in vivo digestibility and voluntary intake of silage
(Scandinavian University Press, 1995)
Kevät- ja syyssäilörehun sekä valkuais- ja väkirehutason vaikutus maidontuotannossa
(Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, 1998)