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Possible causal relationship between the easily soluble amount of manganese on arable mineral soil and susceptibility to cancer in Finland
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1969)
(Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1961)
Kestääkö maa? Viljelyvarmuus ja maan rakenne
(Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1998)
Fertility of different mire type groups
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1980)
The influence of different subsoil types on the Ca, K and P status and pH of the corresponding mould layer
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1983)
Macronutrient and micronutrient status of cultivated acid sulphate soils at Tupos, Finland
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1984)
The effect of magnesium, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers on the contents and ratios of nutrients in spring cereals and grassland crops
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1979)
Strontium content and strontium-calcium ratio timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and soil in Finland
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1979)
Mineral nitrogen reserves in soil and nitrogen fertilization of barley
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1985)
The effect of liming on the solubility of nutrients in various Finnish soils
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1963)