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Possible causal relationship between the easily soluble amount of manganese on arable mineral soil and susceptibility to cancer in Finland
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1969)
Macronutrient and micronutrient status of cultivated acid sulphate soils at Tupos, Finland
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1984)
Mineral content in heavily nitrogen fertilized grass and its silage
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1979)
Effect of the placement technique and amount of fertilizer on spring wheat and barley grown on clay soils : II. Effect on the quality and mineral contents of grain yield
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1986)
Mineral composition of Finnish timothy
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1969)