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The effect of heavy nitrogen fertilization on the quantity and quality of yields of meadow fescue and cocksfoot
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1974)
Effects of heavy nitrogen fertilization on iron, manganese, sodium, zinc, copper, strontium, molybdenum and cobalt contents in ley grasses
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1974)
Effects of nitrogen fertilization on the Ca/P ratio of grass herbage
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1977)
Amino acid composition of timothy, meadow fescue, cocksfoot and perennial ryegrass at two levels of nitrogen fertilization and at successive cuttings
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1979)