Viitteet 1-10 / 45
Urea phosphate as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1976)
Kauran lannoituksesta : uudisviljelykokeiden tuloksia vuosilta 1947-61
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1970)
Growth of rye grass, barley and oats in soils amended with ashes of wood, bark, peat and coal
(Agricultural Research Centre, 1989)
Effect of Didin (dicyandiamide) on the fertilizer value of cow slurry for barley
(Agricultural Research Centre, 1989)
The selenium content of some agricultural crops and soils before and after the addition of selenium to fertilizers in Finland
(Agricultural Research Centre, 1990)
The dependence of yield increases obtained with phosphorus and potassium fertilization on soil test values and soil pH
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1980)
Effect of soil copper content and pH on the efficiency of copper sulphate in a pot experiment
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1987)
Sensitivity to copper deficiency and response to copper fertilization of barley and oat varieties
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1988)
Typpilannoitusta koskevia tutkimuksia : selostus kiinteillä koekentillä v. 1928-1960 suoritetuissa eri typpimäärien kokeissa saaduista tuloksista
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1962)
The effect of heavy nitrogen fertilization on the quantity and quality of yields of meadow fescue and cocksfoot
(Agricultural Research CentreMaatalouden tutkimuskeskus, 1974)