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Viitteet 378-397 / 442
Taimikoiden pituuskehityksen luotettavuus sovellettaessa MOTTI-ohjelmiston kangasmaiden ennustemalleja turvekankaille
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 294 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2014)Kangasmailta on laadittu useita malleja taimikoiden kehityksestä, joten alkukehitys tunnetaan melko hyvin. Turvemaiden osalta tilanne on toinen. Turvemaiden uudistaminen on tullut ajankohtaiseksi ja ojitusalueidenpuustoja ... -
Taloudellisesti optimaalisista harvennuksista ja kiertoajoista männylle ja kuuselle
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 143 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2010)Yksi osio Metsätalouden kehittämiskeskus Tapion ja Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen metsänhoidon suositusten kehittämiseksi vuonna 2005 perustetuista konsortiosta käsitteli harvennusmalleja ja kiertoaikoja. Tämä työ johti uusiin ... -
Talousmetsien ennallistamisvaikutusten seuranta ja siihen liittyvä tutkimus Kolin kansallispuistossa
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 130 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2009)Kolin kansallispuiston Natura 2000 -suojelualueen entisten talousmetsien ennallistaminen aloitettiin Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen Joensuun toimintayksikön koordinoimassa LIFE to Koli Kansallispuiston metsien ja niittyjen ... -
Tehokkaan toimintakonseptin kehittäminen metsänhoitopalveluun
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 23 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2006)Metlan Suonenjoen yksikössä vuosina 2003 2005 toteutetun hankkeen tavoitteena oli kehittää metsäpalveluun uusia tehokkaita toimintamalleja. Toimintamallit ideoitiin aikaisempien tutkimustulosten ja valtakunnallisen, ... -
The analysis of wood harvesting restrictions in conservation areas and intact forest landscapes of the Arkhangelsk oblast
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 86 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2008)Analysis of the current state and wood harvesting restrictions in officially existing and planned conservation areas as well as unofficial intact forest landscapes of the Arkhangelsk oblast is provided in this report. ... -
The analysis of wood harvesting restrictions in conservation areas and old-growth forests of the Arkhangelsk oblast
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 56 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2007)Analysis of the current state and wood harvesting restrictions in officially existing and planned conservation areas as well as unofficial old-growth forests of the Arkhangelsk oblast is provided in this report. Old-growth ... -
The analysis of wood harvesting restrictions in conservation areas and old-growth forests of the Republic of Karelia
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 22 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2006)An analysis of the current state and wood harvesting restrictions in officially existing and planned conservation areas as well as unofficial old-growth forests of the Republic of Karelia is provided in this paper. Old-growth ... -
The analysis of wood harvesting restrictions in conservation areas and old-growth forests of the Vologda oblast
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 87 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2008)Analysis of the current state and wood harvesting restrictions in officially existing and planned conservation areas as well as unofficial old-growth forests of the Vologda oblast is provided in this report. Old-growth ... -
The competitiveness of forest ownership analysed by various market portfolio proxies
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 141 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2009)A new market wealth portfolio index for Finland using stocks, bonds, debentures, offices, private housing and non-industrial private forests in 1972 2008 has been constructed for capital asset pricing model (CAPM) ... -
The development of a remote-download system for visitor counting
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 2 (Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2004) -
The effect of the tourism of the Hortobágy National Park on the surrounding settlements – lesson of a questionnaire survey
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 2 (Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2004) -
The European Forest Sector s Development Compared with EFSOS Predictions
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 205 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2011)The aim of this study is to compare the predictions of the European forest sector development that were made in the European Forest Sector Outlook Study 1960 2000 2020 (EFSOS) and the real development of different indicators ... -
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) accounting system as applied to forestry
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 93 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2008)Forestry has been monitored in agricultural profitability book-keeping as a separate business area since 1912 by the Economic Research of the MTT Agrifood Research Finland. At present, the monitoring is based on the ... -
The Multi-source National Forest Inventory of Finland - methods and results 2007
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 227 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2012)This article presents the results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory based on satellite images, digital map data and field data. The main purpose of the article is to make multi-source forest inventory results ... -
The Multi-source National Forest Inventory of Finland - methods and results 2009
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 273 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2013)This article presents the results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory corresponding year 2009. For these products, the method uses satellite images from years 2009 2010, digital map data and field data. The main ... -
The Multi-source National Forest Inventory of Finland - methods and results 2011
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 319 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2014)This article presents the results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory corresponding to year 2011. For these products, the method uses satellite images from years 2009-2012, digital map data, and field data. The ... -
The Multi-source National Forest Inventory of Finland – methods and results 2005
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 111 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2009)This article presents the results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory based on satellite images, digital map data and field data. The main purpose of the article is to make multi-source forest inventory results ... -
The potentials for developing cross-border tourism between Poland and Slovakia in the Tatra Mountains
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 2 (Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2004) -
The profitability of forestry in Finland and Russia
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 250 (Finnish Forest Research InstituteMetsäntutkimuslaitos, 2012)The purpose of this report is to study the profitability of forestry in Finland and in Russia by describing the methods used for profitability assessment and following up in both countries by using specific examples to ... -
The public functions of parks and protected areas
Metlan työraporttejaWorking Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute : 2 (Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2004)