HELP::searching Jukuri

Jukuri - - is the institutional repository and publication registry of the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Jukuri has information of the publishing activities of researchers as well as the electronic journals of the Institute and its predecessors. If the publication is available electronically the repository has either a link to it or a local copy of it. The publications are organized into collections according to publisher and either journal title or publication type. You can both browse and search the database and target the search either in the full repository or a single collection. By choosing “Communities & Collections” you get a list of all collections on one page.

1. Browsing

On the right hand column you can choose browsing according to the title, time, author or subject (keyword) and either in one collection or in the repository. On the homepage the browsing targets the whole repository. By choosing one of the collections you can target browsing to that collection.

The Subjects list contains all entered terms, both controlled and free, in all languages in alphabetical order.

Note: Another option to browse publications created by Luke staff is to go to the LukeResearch CRIS service and select Publications:

2. Search

On the search form you can choose to target your search to the selected collection “This Community” or to the whole repository “Search Jukuri”. On the homepage you cannot target the search to a single collection. The search is done on both the metadata and the full-text content. Please note, only part of the publications have a full-text file stored in Jukuri.

2.1 Quick search

You can enter one or several search terms. If you enter several, they all must appear in the publication (Boolean AND).

Example: agriculture safety machines (test)

The results include only those publications that include all these terms either in the metadata or in the full-text.

In a phrase search the terms need to be one after the other and surrounded by quotes.

Example: “integrated pest management” mites (test)

The phrase within the quotes has to be in the publication exactly in the same way in addition to the term mites

2.2 Search with partial terms

The search results may be expanded by replacing one character in the term with a question mark (?) or several characters with an asterisk (*). Please note that without * or ? characters search is always done with full words.

Example: organi?ation

The search lists all publications with the terms “organisation” and “organization

Search with the beginning of the term

Example: fertiliz*

This will include all terms starting with fertilization and fertilizer

An asterisk may be also in the middle of the term

Example: bio*nom*

This will include both bio-economy and bioeconomy as well as bioekonomia

2. 3 Joining search terms with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)

These operators have to be written in capital letters. If an operator is missing, the default is AND. You can use parenthesis to change the order of execution. The searches within the parenthesis are done first and then the order is NOT, AND and finally OR. Please be careful in using NOT as it may easily drop out relevant publications from the search results.

Example: feeding AND (pig OR cow OR sheep)

The search will find publications on feeding of these animal species.

Example: (shelf-life OR preservation) NOT freezing

At least one of the terms shelf-life or preservation has to be present but the term freezing cannot be there.

2.4 Data field search

The search can be targeted to one or several metadata fields. These are:

field explanation
abstractDescription and Table of Contents
authorthe creator or editor
identifierISBN-, ISSN-,  URN-, DOI- tai Handle-identifiers
keywordboth controlled and free terms in all languages
titleusually in the original language
typepublication types according to Ministry of Education - see explanation of codes
languageof the publication
dateusually the year of publication

The search phrase should include the field name and  then a colon and after them the search term or phrase.  You can use the Boolean operators, too.

Example: author:hannukkala AND (date:2012 OR date:2011)   (test)

The search result lists publications where Hannukkala is either author or editor and which are published either 2011 or 2012.

To search in one field with several terms you need to enter them in parenthesis

Example: keyword:(tillage ploughing)

Both terms need to be in the publication metadata as keywords

2. 5 Advanced search form

In the advanced search form you can also combine several search terms into a single search.

the fields where search can be done (these may be used as in the data field search):

Data fieldMetadata fields in which the search is madeComments
abstractdc.description.*abstract, toc, comments
typedc.type.*Includes Minedu publication types. A1 and A2 for peer reviewed articles
journaldc.relation.journaltitleJournal name
volumedc.relation.journalvolumeuse this to find all issues or articles within a volume
numberdc.relation.journalnumberUse this to find a certain issue within a journals collection
hankenumerodc.tehProject number
mttpersondc.mttpersonPersonID in MTT
lukepersondc.lukepersonPersonID in Luke
metlapersondc.metlapersonPersonID in Metla
kiekupersondc.kiekupersonPersonID in Luke starting 2017.

2.6 Search and follow new entries with RSS or ATOM – OpenSearch API

Throuch the OpenSearch API the repository search results may be received as RSS or ATOM feeds with which you can create automatically updated listings on a website or with RSS-readers.  With format=kk, you will get and XML file with alla metadata.


List all issues or articles on fisheris with the keywords (fish* or kala*) in the Luke journal

This search will list all peer reviewed articles from Luke in 2015

Enter query parameters as in the search box using Lucene-syntax (see

You can adjust your results with additional parameters:

sort_by 1 = according to Title; 2 = according to Date; 3 = according ty Entry Date.
orderasc for ascending and desc for descending.
rppnumber of items in the search results
startfrom which item to start the listing. 0 is from beginning.
scopelimit your search to a single community or collection
formatEither rss or atom.  kk is a special listing format for getting all metadata entries.

RSS- and ATOM-feeds

Get new entries in the whole repository as RSS- or atom-feed:

To get new entries a single collection (use the handle of the collection)

The items are listed to the date value accoding to –field.

However, it would be much more efficient to use the Open Search interface to make much more refined listings as shown above.

Jarmo Saarikko and Mikko Saunamäki, inqueries: